My Wallpaper
COOLLLL! It's realy!
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Вы здесь » Официальный Российский форум Раду » Fan Art » My Radu Banner/avater/wallpaper
My Wallpaper
COOLLLL! It's realy!
its very sweet!
These aren't very good, but Radu, Ana and Dalia are so sweet I had try to make something for them:
they walls are very beautyfull
Thanks, Marinka!
You are so kind!
I hope to learn to make better ones.
its very sweet sforzando! :wub:
Thanks, Streuner! You are very kind too.
Your art is much more beautiful, though. You have amazing wallpapers.
These are all so pretty, and wonderful! I wish I could make such great things like you guys!
WOW your Wallpaper are so wunderful sforzando.
Go on.
Hi my new banners it are 2 times the same ones, but, once with animation and the other without animation.
RaduFan, I love your banners! They're awesome!
And thank you for your encouragement
RaduFan Your banners so good and nice!!!!!
Very sweet :wub: RaduFan!
Its wunderful work Sandy really!
This is my!
Family in hearts!!
Thank you!
Your's too i love it!
Ok today me was really boring and i have think "ok than i made Banners!"
Here are my new Banner!
i love your work :wub:
super :wub:
Ana Wallpaper
this is a very cool wall
and all the another to
the wallpapers are very good
nice work streuner
Yes Streuner really great work i can't it.
Thank you
this is really easy
easy :o
i can't it dknow:
Hey guys! I made some Radu/Arsenium banners. If you wanna take a look-here they are.
There's one-I have more, but I haven't uploaded them yet.
Here are some Arsenium ones if you guys want to look at them. I put them up here since just about all of us are O-Zone fans :
They're not...great but...what do you guys think? Be honest
Any feedback/tips?
Отредактировано Sophie (2006-03-06 07:00:18)
I like this. :wub:
cool pics i like it
OMG, the Radu one is soooo cute!
OMG, the Radu one is soooo cute!
Thanks sforzando!
Thank you to all of you guys!
My self-esteem just went up
Вы здесь » Официальный Российский форум Раду » Fan Art » My Radu Banner/avater/wallpaper