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Learning Russian

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I started to learn Russian this week in school. It is such a beautiful language! But I also find it a little hard to learn. Does anybody have any tips? ...maybe someone here can help me ;)  And do those of you who already speak Russian find English hard?



я начинаю изучать русский; ja nacinaju izucat' russkij ; i start to learn russian  ;)
как у тебя дела?; kak u tebja dela? ; how are you?  ;)
мне нужна помощь по английскому и я могу помочь по русскому; mne nuzna pomosh' po anglijskomu i ja mogu pomoch' po russkomu; i need help with english. and can help with russian(noapte sorry :);)

Отредактировано fantoma reala (2005-09-11 19:40:09)



When I started to learn English at school, I thought it was very hard to do. But now I don`t find it difficult: I guess Russian is much more complicated though it`s my native language :P .
OK, I`ll try to give you some of the most important speech patterns B) .
Здравствуйте!  ZdrAstvuite!  Hello!
Привет! PrivEt!  Hi!
Меня зовут...  MenyA zavUt...  My name is...
Как тебя зовут?  Kak tibyA zavUt?  What is your name?
До свидания!  Da svidAniya!  Goodbye!
Пока!  PakA!  Bye-bye!



Thnx Olivia!!!
Perhaps im going to look if there is an Russian course at my school aswell



Thanks Olivia! You are so nice! fantoma reala, I don't know if you thought I was Shudoh, sorry I'm not, but we have almost same avatar. Thank you for offering to help though. If anybody needs help learning English, I could help them if they like. For those who speak Russian, is it true everybody in Russia writes in cursive? It is much differnt from the script!

Отредактировано sforzando (2005-09-11 01:39:27)



i need help with english. and can help with russian:D

Отредактировано Noapte (2005-09-11 15:26:34)



Thank you, Noapte. We can help each other!  :)



What is the URL of this site?kakaja ssilka u etogo sajta?Какая ссылка у этого сайта?
:lol:' /][!--endemo--]



Is it a nice day today?Ne pravdali segodna horoshij den'?
Не правдали сегодня хороший день?




THANKS!!!! How do you say, "You are all so nice!"



You are all so nice
Vi vse takie horoshie
Вы все такие хорошие ;)
Can you say anything easy in russian? :)



Can you say anything easy in russian?
Mojesh li ti skazat' chto-nibud' prostoe na russKom?
Можешь ли ты сказать что-нибудь ростое на русском?

If you have any questions, ask us
esli u tebja est' kakie-to vopsosi, sprashivaj nas
Если у тебя есть какие-то вопросы, спрашивай нас ;)



And some more words...
Что?   ShtO?  What?
Кто?  KtO?   Who?
Где?  GdE?  Where?
Куда?  KudA?  Where to?
Откуда?   AtkUda?   Where from?
Когда?  KagdA?   When?
Сколько?  SkOl`ka?   How many?/How much?
Зачем?  ZachEm?   What for?
Почему?  PachemU?  Why?
Какой?/Какая?/Какое?/Какие?  KakOy?/KakAya?/KakOe?/KakIe?   What kind of?



I'am Ja Я
You Ti Ты
She Ona Она
He On Он
It Ono Оно



Oh, thank you! You help so much! Before, I know only a few classroom words, like "Go to the board," "Read" and "Repeat," and "hello".  Now you taught me such important words! THANKS!
    Does everybody in eastern Europe speak Russian? Because I saw Dan, Asy and Rady all speak it even though they are Romanian.
    And is it true Russian speakers write cursive instead of script?
    And how do you type in Russian letters? Is there a program I can download? Because I want to write back to you in Russian :)
Vi vse takie horoshie! If you have questions in English, I can help you too!
      Hugs to you all!

Отредактировано sforzando (2005-09-15 00:02:55)



Thanks again, Fantoma Reala and Olivia and everyone. Would it annoy you if I ask you about grammar?



Actually, I thought about giving you some grammar lessons ;) . For the first, I can tell you that nouns, pronouns and ajectives have 3 genders & 6 cases.
OK, I`ll start with genders.
Мужской род  MujskOy rOd  Male gender.  All the nouns ending on consonant letters are of male gender. The pronoun is:
Он  On  He, его  evO  of him/his, ему  emU  to him, им  Im  with him/by him, о нём O nyOm  about him. 
Женский род   jEnskiy rOd  Female gender.  Many of the nouns ending on -а, -я, -ь.  The pronoun is:
Она  anA  She, её  eyO  her/hers/of her,  ей  yEi  to her/by her/with her, о ней  o nEi  about her.
Средний род   SrEdniy rOd   Neuter gender. All the nouns ending on -о, -е, -y. The pronoun is:
Оно  anO  It, его  evO  its/of it, им  Im with it/by it, ему  emU  to it, о нём  o nyOm  about it.



Because I saw Dan, Asy and Rady all speak it even though they are Romanian.
    And is it true Russian speakers write cursive instead of script?
    And how do you type in Russian letters? Is there a program I can download? Because I want to write back to you in Russian :)
Vi vse takie horoshie! If you have questions in English, I can help you too!
      Hugs to you all!

Because I saw Dan, Asy and Rady all speak it even though they are Romanian.

They speake russian cause they were born in Moldova.This country was the part of the USSR  ;) So thats why they know russian B)
Oni govorjat na russkom, potomuchto oni rodilis' v Moldavii.Eta strana bila chast'u SSSR  ;) Vot pochemu oni znajut russkij B)

they oni
speak govorjat
russian po russki
because potomuchto
were born rodilis'
in v
Moldova Moldove
This eta
Coutry strana
was bila
the part  chast'u
of the USSR SSSR
So thats why Vot pochemu
know znajut      :ph34r:  B)  ;)

Hugs to you all!
We are gled to help you
Mi radi pomoch' tebe
Мы рады помочь тебе



Do you know the russian abc & the pronounsiation of letters?



Some more words...
Чей?/Чья?/Чьё?/Чьи?  ChEi?(m)/ChyA?(f)/ChyO?(n)/ChyI?(pl.)    Whose?
Мой/моя/моё/мои  MOi(m)/MayA(f)/MayO(n)/MayI(pl.)   My, mine
Твой/твоя/твоё/твои  TvOy(m)/TvayA(f)/TvayO(n)/TvayI(pl.)  Your, yours(sing.)
Ваш/ваша/ваше/ваши  VAsh (m)/VAsha(f)/VAshe(n)/VAshi(pl.)  Your, yours(pl.)
Наш/наша/наше/наши  NAsh(m)/NAsha(f)/NAshe(n)/NAshi(pl.)  Our, ours
Его/её/их  evO(m)/eyO(f)/Ih(pl.)   His, its/Her, hers/Their, theirs
Чей-то/чья-то/чьё-то/чьи-то  ChEita(m)/ChyAta(f)/ChyOta(n)/ChyIta(pl.)  Somebody`s
Ничей/ничья/ничьё/ничьи  NichEi(m)/NichyA(f)/NichyO(n)/NichyI(pl.)   Nobody`s



Thanks for the useful words Olivia and Fantoma Reala.  I hope one day to visit you and speak in Russian with you!  :D I have a question: do you describe the nouns with gender with adjectives of the same gender?
    Yes, now I know Russian abc, but I am afraid I pronounce it very badly. And can I ask you another question? When я is at the end of a word unstressed, it is "yuh," and when я and е are not at the end unstressed it is "ih." So what are they stressed?
      Also, when Radu, Dan and Arsy speak Russian, do you hear an accent? Can you tell where people are from based on how they pronounce the Russian?
        Big hugs,



And can I ask you another question? When я is at the end of a word unstressed, it is "yuh," and when я and е are not at the end unstressed it is "ih." So what are they stressed?

i dont understand this :(

I didnt hear Dan & Arsy speaking russian
but Radu speak russian very very well!



Oh, sorry, I mean how do you pronounce я and е differently when they are in the middle of a word?
      You have not heard Arsenium and Dan speak Russian? If it is allowed, I can post a video of Radu, Arsy and Dan in Russia where they all speak Russian. It is a nice video! Then you can translate to the English-speakers what they are saying, lol!



:)  o! i'll be happy!but it is very difficult to listen this :(

can give me example of the words where я & е ?



Thanks for the useful words Olivia and Fantoma Reala.  I hope one day to visit you and speak in Russian with you!  :D I have a question: do you describe the nouns with gender with adjectives of the same gender?
    Yes, now I know Russian abc, but I am afraid I pronounce it very badly. And can I ask you another question? When я is at the end of a word unstressed, it is "yuh," and when я and е are not at the end unstressed it is "ih." So what are they stressed?
      Also, when Radu, Dan and Arsy speak Russian, do you hear an accent? Can you tell where people are from based on how they pronounce the Russian?
        Big hugs,

Yes, the nouns and the ajectives with them are of the same gender. And as for я and e stressed, they sound as yA and yE.
Radu and Arsenie speak Russian almost without an accent, but Dan has some weird accent. The foreigners who didn`t speak Russian from the very birth have their specific accents anyway, and there are some dialects of Russian depending on the territory of Russia. For example people in Moscow pronounce the word булочная (baker`s shop) as bUolSHnaya, while in the rest of Russia it`s bUloCHnaya.



Thanks for the help!

Here you can see a video of O-Zone in Russia:

I hope you enjoy it!

There are more parts, but they take a long time to load so I will post them tonight.

It is too much work for you to translate this video, but can you tell us a short summary?

I can say by watching this I am learning pronounciation, ha ha ha!



Here is the second part:



You are good pupil! Molodec!МОЛОДЕЦ!

sforzando, is this video from the russian channel MYZTV?
if yes so i have the text what did they say and i can translate this!It is "Поехали"(Poehali)?



Well, if it`s Poehali, I can translate it, too. And I`d better make a new topic dedicated to Poehali B) .



in english and russian forums!


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