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Learning Russian

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Yes, it is Poehali. You can tell us what they say? Well, then, Fantoma Reala and Olivia, you two are the BEST!!!



And here is the last part:

Have fun watching it!



Yes, it is Poehali. You can tell us what they say? Well, then, Fantoma Reala and Olivia, you two are the BEST!!!

Yes, we can B) . But it takes time to translate. By the way, поехали is pronounsed as  paEhali and it means "Let`s go".



ThanX!!! :wub:

Group "O-Zone" became the "sacrifice" of the popular program of MUSES-TV "Poehali". Boys were accompanied by the film crew of command during two days - visiting different places with them - from an air-port to the concert ground "Beach Club". Certainly, showed not everything in succession, otherwise in place of the fixed 30 minutes it was necessary to take whole daily ether. Therefore, alas is the show was fragmentary... All began, certainly, in the air-port of Sheremet'evo, where boys with a chamber met a group. A question sounded after greetings:
   - As reached?
   -I lost the luggage, - Аrs answered darkly.
   (By the way, personally to me to my surprise, all three is practically free talked on Russian and all understood fine).
   Not losing time, all submerged in a navy blue capacious car and somewhere departed. The wonderful type of the nightly city lighted up by fires flashed after a window.
* * *

   During the next fragment of Аrsy, Dan and Radu cheerfully measured by pacing on the nightly Red area, stirring with an operator.
   - Now we will sing something you, - Аrs said.
   Dan beginnings to jump before a camera, demonstrating some dancing steps, and Аrsenie and quickly catching up a theme Radu on the second plan began to sing in a microphone it "visit" melody: "Maia-hu-u, maia-hu-u, maia-ho-o, maya-hu-hu!" When "delusion " :) passed, a microphone had taken Given. Exactly he during all program talked anymore than all, whether as leader, whether as anymore than all understanding, whether such talkative from nature... In general, he broadcast about a star on Kremlin. It was divided to those, that for him this star was character of Moscow, because yet in childhood, during studies at school he drew her. Here climbed Radu and said that he also had drawn this star, and all boys drew in general. An operator asked Аrsy, whether he drew a star. A little thinking, a fellow answered that he had not drawn at school, he had sung, making off a phrase the colourful cackling-laughter. It, maybe, became his visiting-card because I already waited this sound at the end of his phrase during all transmission. :)
   Further again intercepted initiative Dan. He began to talk about Kremlin, Moscow, Russia... Аrs and Soviet were quiet. An operator asked, why Аrs is such taciturn, and that told with an unhappy kind, that thinks about the luggage, they say, there so much things, letters from fans... Dan was wedged and was reported
that if Аrs will not find the luggage, will go out on a stage in that clothes in which arrived.
   After a while two panka went by a company, one of which showed "fingers fan". An operator took interest vividly, that "O-Zone" think about the Russian punk-fate. Radu went out from the isolated state and thoughtfully reported that a fate once also played.
   - That exactly?
   it is Style, - simple-hearted said Radu, probably, surprised to the question and for persuasiveness shocked by a head and pretended, that plays on a guitar.
   it is you think, so does play a fate?
   - As so?
   - As you showed. Do Russians play so?
   - So?Radu once again represented roker, his friends giggled already. - not, so many play.
   Dan, Radu and Аrs burst out laughing in a friendly manner.
* * *

A company was loaded in an elevator and was departed on a necessary floor. Radu sang the pair of lines from an old ditty:
   - "Caution, it is pushed a door to!" - voice is audible metallic.
* * *

   Finally, all walked up to the doors conducting in rooms. Dan obtained a card and reported that forgot, in what room of him settled, and began to try to open the first turned doors up, comparing a situation to the fairy-tale about Ali-baba and three robbers. On universal happiness, the second door appeared correct. Dan slowly opened slightly a door, pushing in in a room a head and mumbling, whether he cleaned everything. Cowards, for example... After a door girls started giggling, and
an operator resolutely pushed through Dan in a room and moved immediately:
   - there is Nothing, welkome...
   - Well, that at us here? - Dan passed deep into. are My running shoes. Suitcase. He passed all Europe with me!
   it is the Large beautician, - somebody's comment was heard.
   On a wall a picture hung with the image of monastery not far from Kremlin. An operator asked Dan, that for the image on cards
- Picture... near Kremlin! - explained Dan.
   Near the entrance in a number Dan noticed Radu and said him to clean up in the room. Radu answered that it is already done. Dan was happy and invited all to Radu.
* * *

   While Radu opened a door and passed in a room, they with Dan had time to say that Radu "like" to forget the keys and to tell history about that, how Radu in next times slammed a door and 15 minutes prior to a concert was in a corridor in one trousers, barefoot. But all treated then.
   Getting in a room, Radu to the prodemonstyroval camera sport shirt:
   - About, a blouse is Dan.
   - And that she does at you? - a question was heard from somewhere.
   - Sper... - an answer came from there.
   - it Is not, sper not... Simply... it is continuation of answer Radu intermitted by a jump Dan on a bed.
   - do not break the back, - commented on Radu.
   it is Class! - propykhtel Dan.
   - In shoes! On a bed! - a camera was indignant.
   - And that to him? - spitefully asked Radu. the Bed is mine!
   Suddenly "becoming agitated", a group decided to go to Аrs. At him, they say, things are not present. Аrs gave out colourful "gа-gа".
* * *

   All company was sent on a corridor toward the room of Аrs. Radu went out same last, but when the door of room began to be closed, suddenly jumped to her and, pryzhderzhav, stood, while did not find a card in the
pocket of jeans. After it he joined to other.
   Getting a microphone, Аrs decided a little to play in a guide and stopped near an output in a hall.
   - Now you will see my room. No! - he cut off after a pause, apparently, in reply to somebody's question. it is rest room! - on the left of him a door showed off with a large tablet "ПК".
   Boys went out in a hall. There on a sofa and arm-chairs the same incomprehensible girls were disposed. One of them waved by a hand in a camera, two almost slipped down on the floor, falling to pieces on a sofa, and
barely awarded a lens with the look.

   After a while Dan again took a microphone and said that to all it is time to say goodbye, Radu waved by a hand, and
Аrs got through to the chamber and gloomy reported:
   are They ride to sleep, and I ride to search the luggage, - here he inserted it "gа-gа", which I already with impatience waited. :)
   A camera abandoned boys for the night.
* * *

   In the morning by the first question, to the set guests was:
   - Well that, did have good a sleep?
   What Аrs declared on (correctly!):
   - No!
   - Why you did not have good a sleep? - asked an operator.
   it is I thought about the luggage through the night... There so much things...
   On a question about that, where they are sent, boys answered: "To the soundcheck".
* * *

   Club "Beach Club". A concert the honoured guests of which were group must take place in the evening here "O-Zone".
   On a road to the place at Dan again to take not away a microphone. He philosophized on the theme of good day and fine.In some place a yellow small small flag hung on a post.
   - Here that this yellow flag means? Do you know? - an operator appealed to Dan. That for a short time was thoughtful and gave out:
   it is It means... that it is today possible to dance!
* * *

   Boys went out on a stage. They sang, checking up quality of sound and a little podtantsovyvaly. Radu charmingly winked to the chamber by both eyes, at this juncture he simply unreal reminded a fluffy cat. It was felt that all three like.
   After ending of rehearsal an operator asked at Radu, why was such long saundchek. A fellow so threateningly turned to him, that personally I was scared for his further fate :), but Dan inquired only no less threateningly:
   it is Enormous? Saund was excellent simply, and we understood that all would pass well.
   On a question, where boys are sent after saundcheka, Radu answered:
   - On radio.
   An operator voiced sure hope pretty, that after radio all will wrap up on a native channel (there was the cognation with the program "Poehali")MUSES-TV. Аrs is a little thoughtful said:
   - Yeah, after radio we will depart on the native channel of MUSES-TV.
* * *

   On radio of boys fed with open sandwiches with red caviar and fruit. Аrs got on the hips a small video camera and open sandwich and asked at someone the name of fish which gives such caviar. Hearing desired, he made an effort repeat, but it turned out at
him very remotely and he, bursting out laughing, left this undertaking.
   A little later to him the list of performers got in hands (presumably, плэй-sheet on the nearest o'clock of ether or anything in this family). An operator took interest here, whether all are known by Аrs. That stretched imperturbably:
- Ye-aaah, I know a group "O-Zone".
   - Where you know her from?
   it is I sing in her, - restraining the laughter and looking in a chamber, Аrs answered.
   When asked him, whether he knows anybody yet, Аrsenie on complete ser'eze answered that they were seen with Bosson'ом and wanted to say something yet, but Radu was taken away at him by a плэй-sheet:
   - Went...
   All stretched toward a studio, but Аrsy, stirring with an operator and telling something, fell behind from it and pair of minutes poplutal in corridors, tykayas' in shut the door to. Then they
got down somewhere, and Аrs was happy:
   - Here they, very handsome guys!
   A camera showed glass partition after which already sat Dan Radu. The last put to the lens out tongue.
   - That, it will be necessary to leave you. On the pair of minutes, - Аrs said and also hid in a room, where he was already waited by friends.
   Going out from a studio, boys were sent in a hotel. While they went on a corridor, Dan spared, that on radio a group stayed very not long - "We only warmed up..." Rafu behind friends eloquently in motion levitated weight. Where he took her
and where businesses - remained for an audience by a riddle. Not otherwise souvenir. :)
   When all went out on a street, appeared, that boys already two. Аrs marked that Radu escaped already - more interview does not want, wants to rest, in a hotel. Thus while boys reached to the machine, Radu already sat there.
A machine arrived to the hotel, and from her some incomprehensible girls were strewed. The impression was given, that boys barely outlived this journey.
   - About, how many in your machine rides beautiful young ladies... - stretched an operator.
   As far as appearance from the depths of car boys answered him.
   Аrs (thinking, maybe, counting them):
   - Five...
   it is the Good sign.
   Radu, not being at losses:
   it is Fate.
Passing in the hall of hotel, an operator declared that boys would not go uot of the question from them.
   - it Is not, we rest one, - Аrs answered.
   are We will not leave you, - an operator insisted.
   Аrs was pushed through ahead and rushed to the doors, looking around with a crafty smile. "So how he!" - remaining members reacted
groups and surveying command.
   When boys went through a hall, Аrs asked suddenly:
   - you Want, will I take off things stark naked?
   - Well, for a language nobody pulled you, - cheerfully a chamber headed for him. Аrs, obviously not expecting such speed from the
messenger of Russian musical, was given back:
   - Ouch, excuse!..
   But camera already was in a delight:
   - No-no, lets undress!
   By a Аrs brave gesture unzipped to masterku and placed firmly hands in sides, showing that presentation is finished.
   it is The same not stark naked! - an operator was indignant.
   - And farther - in the following... - Аrs began to the wave by hands, obviously trying to pick up a word.
   it is He is simply sunburnt, is walking up Radu a little drew aside the shirt of Аrs at a neck, demonstrating to the chamber the piece of brave pilose breast of friend. Аrs
humorously pushed away him, remedying clothes.
   - About, how many hairs!.. - a chamber reacted.
   are They not nastoyaschye, - Аrs answered, trying uvernut'sya from a lens and again escaping ahead.
   are Displanted? - an operator took interest. it is What he at you modest.
   In a lens appeared Dan.
   - At him there... muscles!
   - As at you? it is a chamber showed hands Given. That made an effort show the biceps, but him
pushed away Radu.
   - In general in our clip I the strongest!..
   The transmission allowed the fragment of clip, showing that moment about which talks Radu.
   Radu also showed the muscles.
   it is He simply before a chamber does not want to show it, and in a room he not such modest,
- explained Dan.
   are Boys, and do you often show the muscles to each other? - asked an operator.
   Here Radu, Аrsenyy and Dan did not survive and, bursting out laughing, scattered on a lobby.
* * *- This all my guests, - led around them by a Аrs wide gesture. - At me always so much young ladies! And, by the way, and my things, - deciding to crack joke, a fellow
heaved for straps up a bag standing on a table and put back.
   it is This Dorothy bag? - somebody's remark was heard.
   Аrsy, probably, and looked over, that grasped something not that, therefore jumped back from a table, and all, who was in a hall, burst out laughing.
* * *

   After a while two chambers on one screen showed Radu and Dan. Radu became on one knee on a bed and, knocking in a wall, cried:
   - Hey, Dan! Rise! It is time to ride at MUSES-TV!
   After it he took glass and set it to the wall. The same is almost synchronous did and Dan.
   - AND? - asked Radu.
   - what-what? - asked Dan.
   Waiting a few seconds, they put glasses at place. Dan went off to the output, Radu turned to the camera and, smiling, said:
   - Probably, better by phone.
Journey on MUSES-TV. In a machine an operator took interest, whether boys know this channel. Dan answered that they knew MUSES-TV, that this good channel, and that he is
very popular in Kishinev.
   - And in your song there are words about a linden-tree, - provocatively began an operator, - that you can for a linden-tree to give everything.
   are We under a linden-tree can give everything, - cracked joke Dan.
   An operator obviously expecting a similar answer pretty smiled in reply:
   - For a language nobody pulled you! - Аrs became taut at this juncture obviously :). - Now you will give everything under Linden-tree. The point is that anchorwomen of
direct ether today Linden-tree!
   After the second confusion boys again zagomonyly and began to laugh, and Given winked in a chamera:
- Linden-tree, we go!
* * *

   Moving toward building of channel, Аrs showed muscles to the camera. A little later an operator slovyl Radu, sitting on a chair and asked, what that thought about Linden-tree.
   it is the Beautiful girl, - answered Radu.
   - When I wrote this song, - with the inspired person, swinging arms, Dan was partaken with a camera, is I did not understand that this was, but appearance stood to me. I remembered now - this was Linden-tree.
   A chamber snatched out Linden-tree going somewhere.
   it is I knew always, that a group which will write a song about me will some time appear! - she protaratoryla. are Boys, thank you! it is she gave a smacking kiss virtually "O-Zоne" and,
beginning to laugh, dashed away somewhere.
* * *

   The fragment of direct ether is shown with a group. In the shot of Аrsy, Linden-tree(Lipa), Dan Radu. Given hugged an anchorwomen for a waist. A linden-tree said something, and Dan
raised her. She gladly squealed and, heaving up feet, landed back onto a floor.
   After the program some time boys sat in the studio of MUSES-TV. A linden-tree sat on knees at Dan. Again a joke sounded that Dan under Linden-tree(tei)(Lipa).
* * *

   After surveys on MUSES-TV boys were sent at concert in "Beach Club". While they moved on a path to grymernoy, some girl by chance turned up on the same road crept to them (must say, with very saw-tones).
   - Ouch, boys, I you adore!
   Аrs, appearing from the side of this girl, tried in general to turn not a head. Dan, going in a center, answered her, here all group did not take off a step.
   are We you adore also.
   - True?! Boys, me Veronica call! it is she was already ready to grasp for a group and to be pulled immediately, but she was unobtrusively driven back by a guard, and Dan noticed:
   - we will Meet on a concert.
Appearing in grymernoy, very likable wooden cottage, boys got in the hands of masters of style. Dan with the satisfied smile began to speak in native language (I do not set to determine, Romanian this or moldavian). An operator was begun to stir and was asked, what Dan said. Assumed then, that in a chamber this will be one continuous "pip". But walking up said Radu, that the one continuous will not be "pip", and Dan said that in Moldavia and in Russia very beautiful girls. Аrsy gave up from the place, that he very wants to see russian public.
   In the program, sketching was allowed with "russian public" - the torn away fellow in melting, by a complete lady in fitting snugly trousers and topyke and background as beach people. All this business passed under Сerdyuchku.
* * *
A next fragment showed part of concert in "Beach Club". After one of songs boys smuggled out of on the stage of operator and declared, that the program is at concert invited "Поехали", and that this program all day long accompanies them. After it they began to sing next song.
   After the concert of boys conducted to the car from a back door, through some gates, but also there they were waited by the group of admirers. Porazdavav autographs, boys jumped in a machine and left.
* * *

   Standing near a hotel, Dan got a microphone on the hips.
   - Well what, thank you for that conducted with us all days long.
   - Thank you, - almost in the background Аrsy jumped out. Soviet by a gesture cordially thanked a chamber.
   - Now you know all true about our tours, that we do.
   "O-Zone" said goodbye and called at a hotel.
   The program showed cutting of shots from all program, and final titles went.
* * *
Generally, all business took place far dynamically, and no description will pass that atmosphere, that reigned on the blue screen during the show of the program.
   Boys built inimitable ugly faces, and the great number of gestures allowed better to understand that they wanted to say.
   Such here not very much long okazalost' stay of group in Russian the capital. It is desirable to trust that they will more frequent visit our corner of Europe and to make
happy the admirers by the used for setting fire concerts.

The end :)



WOW! Fantoma Reala, you translated the whole thing! You work soooo hard! You must have spent a lot of time! Thanks soooo much! YOU ARE AMAZING!!!!! YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!!!

Thank you both, Olivia and Fantoma Reala for all you do. You are both so sweet to everyone!

Отредактировано sforzando (2005-09-22 00:58:40)



OH!thanx!  :D



And now let`s continue learning Russian...
Что-то/Что-нибудь  ShtOta/ShtO nibUd`  Something
Что угодно  ShtO ugOdno  Anything
Всё  fsyO  All/everything
Что бы то ни было  ShtO bi ta nI bila  Whatever
Ничего  NichevO  Nothing
Кто-то/Кто-нибудь  KtOta/KtO nibUd`   Someone/somebody
Кто угодно  KtO ugOdna   Anybody
Все  fsyE  All/everybody
Каждый из...  KAjdiy Iz...   Each of...
Кто бы то ни был   KtO bi ta nI bil  Whoever
Никто  NiktO  Nobody/No one
Любой/любая/любое/любые  LyubOi(m)/lyubAya(f)/lyubOe(n)/lyubIe(pl)  Any



Wow, Olivia, you read my mind, lol! These are very useful words! I am feeling right now very confused about Russian grammer. There is a different plural for the masculine and feminine? Is there a plural for adjectives? How do you know when the word is masculine or feminine or neuter when its singular?
If you can help me, I'd really appreciate it.

Big hugs! :D



OK, I`ll try to explain...
1) Yes, there is, but it`s not easy to explain in a couple of words.
2) Of course, ajectives have a plural, too.
3) It depends on the ends of words. As I`ve already told, all the nouns ending on consonant letters are of male gender. Most of feminine words are ending on -a, -я.
And neuter words are ending on -e, -o, -ё.



It seems very complicated! Russians must me so much smarter than Americans and British people, because our language is must simpler. We have no gender, our plural is just add "s", adjectives have no plural...
Russians must be geniuses! And, in fact, they are- all the people I admire are Russian, like Dostoyevsky and many scientists...



And of course you, Olivia, and Fantoma Reala- you both are so smart and admirable :D  Maybe one day I will speak Russian well...but right now the grammar is confusing...

Big hugs!



Some more new words B) .
Куда-то/кое-куда/куда-нибудь KudAta/kOe kudA/kudA nibUd`  (to) somewhere
Где-то/кое-где/где-нибудь  GdEta/kOe gdE/gdE nibud`  somewhere
Откуда-то  atkUdata  from somewhere
Ниоткуда  NiatkUda   From nowhere
Никуда  NikudA  (to) nowhere
Нигде   NigdE   Nowhere
Где угодно  GdE ugOdna   Anywhere
Куда угодно  KudA ugOdna  (to) anywhere
Где бы то ни было  GdE bi ta nI bila  Wherever



Thanks! Can you teach me words needed to understand Radu in the Russian section of the forum? I tried looking at the Russian side, and I thought, "Wow! I do not understand this even a little bit!" But I would like so much to know what Radu says.



Sorry- that was me



First of all, I have to warn you: Radu makes many misprints, such as "sposibo" (which means "thank you" and should be written in Latin letters as "spasibo".



That's so funny! Why doesn't he write in Cyrillic script? Oh, I wish sooo much to read what he says, and I wish sooo much to write him something in Russian- he doesn't seem to come on the English side of the forum as often as the Russian. And you know, not being able to communicate with him makes me sad, because here is a chance to talk to someone whom I love and is famous and yet is willing to talk to fans- and I have to miss the opportunity because all I can say with confidence is Доброе утро.  And that is not what I want to say to Radu!

Oh, Olivia, thank you again for your patience and for teaching me so much! I am trying to practise all that you teach me every day  :)  One day I hope to visit Russia and personally thank you!

Can you help me write this? как ваше вдохновение когда петь?
I want to ask him what is is inspiration when he sings, and what motivated him to become a singer, and I wanted to tell him he has the voice of an angel.
Can you help me?
       Thanks! Big hugs!



Probably Radu doesn`t write in Cyrillic script because he has no Russian keyboard (I guess it`s impossible to find in Romania).
OK, here are the phrases you want to know B) ...
Раду, у тебя ангельский голос.  RAdu, u tebyA Angel`skiy gOlos   Radu, you have the voice of an angel
Что побудило тебя стать певцом?  ShtO pabudIla tebyA stAt` pevtsOm?  What motivated you to become a singer?
Что тебя вдохновляет на создание песен?  ShtO vdahnavlyAet tebyA na sazdAnie pEsen?  What inspires you in creating your songs?



Thanks, Olivia, honey! :D

In which section do I put it? I don't know what the topics mean, unfortunately.

Отредактировано sforzando (2005-10-01 06:27:23)



if you want to ask him this questions you can go to the topic "Ваши вопросы Раду"(your questions to Radu)
& then(if Radu report to yuo :) ) we are translait it for you ;)



But that topic is closed because Radu is much too busy to answer any questions :( . So you can put your questions to topic "Questions to Radu in English".



But he almost doesn't look this topik



You are right, Fantoma Reala, he does not come to this topic very much. Is there a different topic on the Russian side where he answers questions if someone asks?
    And thank you for offering to translate if he answers :)



sometimes he can to come in oter topiks but he almost doesnt answer
you can watch his answers in сплетни & another which names i dont remember



Maybe you already have this video, but I wanted to give you a little gift for helping me. Here is a Russian video:

and part 2:

You do not need to translate it, ha ha ha, I just thought you might like to have it. It is not as extensive an interview as Poehali, though, but hopefully you will like it :)

I'm sorry, but I have 2 questions for you now:
First, can you explain how to use зто? Can it go at the end of a sentence? When do you use  зта  зтот  зти ? Does it depend on the speaker who owns the subject, like "This book is mine"- would it be " зто
книга меня"?    And can you also explain "у"? Can you say  " я у книга" for "I have a book"?


Отредактировано sforzando (2005-10-08 14:07:06)



I'm sorry, but I have 2 questions for you now:
First, can you explain how to use зто? Can it go at the end of a sentence? When do you use  зта  зтот  зти ? Does it depend on the speaker who owns the subject, like "This book is mine"- would it be " зто
книга меня"?    And can you also explain "у"? Can you say  " я у книга" for "I have a book"?


i'm allowed to se this :(
so это can use in different parts of sentenses
Это моя книга
Моя это книга
Книга это моя
But then you use the sekond & third it sounds bad :lol:' /][!--endemo--]
We use эта when we want to use femail
and это used when it's not femail or mail
for example книга-femail, so we use эта(and also we can use это)
we use эта when we show that is just my book ;)
and это isnt so formal
yes you are right!
" зто
книга меня"-will be right эта книга моя

I have a book
No it means У меня есть книга
at this case у means that i have a book

But if you say Я стою у/около(near) стола(ja stoju u stola), so it will be Im staying AT the table

so you can use at in thise case
in russian "at" means- в, на, при, у, около, по

I hope that you anderstand this dknow:  ;)



Thanks, Fantoma Reala!
Did you like the little gift? I hope you and Olivia will like it :D



yeeees :)



Oh, good! I am happy that you are happy :D






Unfortunately my home computer doesn`t work now, so I can`t see the video :( .


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