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Translation Of Articles

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I found a romanian article on the internet... But I dont know where to paste it here so that it can be translated...
Thats why im pasting it here... Hope thats ok..

Radu cauta succesul cu Mahay
05 mai 2005

Dupa dizolvarea O-Zone, grupul ce ne-a lasat cu gura cascata datorita neasteptatelor lor izbanzi, Radu Sarbu incearca sa regaseasca succesul. Este vorba de proiectul sau Mahay, care "invadeaza" in acest moment radiourile. Primul semn muzical se numeste "Dulce" si este compus in aceeasi maniera ca si piesele ce au ridicat O-Zone.

Numai refrenul spune tot: "Dragostea nu are varsta, sex, culoare (...) Cand am sa te chem la noapte sa mancam orez cu lapte". Mahay e, de fapt, Mihai, un solist originar tot din Republica Moldova, pe care il produce Radu Sarbu si alaturi de care apare in videoclipul piesei. Un fapt inedit, "Dulce" a fost filmat zilele trecute in aceeasi discoteca din Chisinau unde s-a turnat clipul primului succes O -Zone - "Dragostea din tei".

Fara O-Zone, Arsenie Toderas s-a lansat sub numele de Arsenium, iar Dan Balan e inca in SUA, unde canta piesele lansate sub titulatura O-Zone.


Отредактировано Anna87 (2006-03-03 16:40:43)



I can see no one helpe Anneke to translate, but i will try my luck.
Can someone please translate this article?

This, please



Yes, and there are more. "Radu"- I dunno if it was really him- posted these in the chatbox:

http://www.e-zine.ro/actualitati.php?id=11...cfded02ca5cc8b1 http://www.muzica9.ro/articles.php?ai=2963 http://www.musicxpress.ro/noutate/741/radu...n-cariera-solo/ http://www.jurnalul.ro/articol 48708/info.html

These are nice articles- if someone could translate all of these, we would be very grateful.



Hey I am romanian ..I will translate all for you   :) give me time yes?  ;)

Adriana XX



i translate the artikel for a longgggggg time loooooooooooool



Just in case anyone here still wants a summary/translation for the article sforzando posted (it's been a while LOL) here it is:

RadU (ex O-Zone) launches his video clip
On Thursday, March 23 2006, RadU will launch the video clip of his solo debut single on Teo!

The video clip “Whap-pa” will be a “video clip of images,” but at the same time it will be the story of his first love. RadU and his production team began the quest for two lovely children, a girl and a boy, the boy representing RadU in his childhood, and the girl - his first love.

They believed that it would be rather simple to find two good children. But after days of casting without any results, they realized that finding the children suitable enough for the clip would take time. Since the date of filming was already established, time was pressing. Therefore, they were forced to make a list of the kindergartens in Bucharest and visit them one by one. However, those who even slightly suited the role, would cry, or hide themselves behind their mothers' skirts, or were too restless. RadU and company were soon about to give up at this thought.

Eventually, they visited the kindergarten where the little girl of RadU’s good friend Pavel Stratan went, and, although they were about to abandon all hope of finding someone for the role, he looked at Silvia (four years old) and realized quickly that she was exactly what they had been searching for: a girl who was very beautiful, smiling and companionable. When RadU asked if she wanted to be in the clip, she responded very firmly, “Yes,” so that all were convinced that she was the ideal girl for the role.

Nevertheless, they did not yet find a boy, so they continued to telephone several acquaintances, friends, and relatives, but with no results. It was less than a week before filming was to begin, when through one of the agencies, they found Dorin, the boy from the clip (only four years old), who was very lively with enormous energy and had a perfect likeness for the role.

The shooting of the video took place on January 22nd in the studio Atlantis Film, under the direction of Dragos Buliga. The preparations for a single day of filming the clip lasted approximately a month, but that forecasted to be especially difficult. It took a month of assembling, processing, and creating the graphics for the video clip. The process of making the video clip of “Whap-pa” took in total about three months!

The video clip was filmed on 35 mm film, in an immense hall where a very big and beautiful setting was built. The two kids felt like playing on the colorful stage, especially since there was a rotating sofa. Dorin refused to get off the sofa and whirled himself around, until over time he grew weary, as well as Silvia.

At last, after the scene with the kids was shot, these ones left for home. Towards evening, it suddenly got colder, and because of this, RadU’s nose and cheeks began to redden. Filming lasted until late evening, and though it was difficult, it was nevertheless interesting and amusing, and RadU declared that he had a pleasant and unique experience.

This translation can also be found at http://radu-sirbu.com/index2.htm->Interviews.  :)

@Anna87 - If you still want I can post the translation of your article tomorrow.



Your skill with languages amazes me, TBL ... you are the most intelligent young woman I've ever known.   :thumb:


Отредактировано MaryCat (2007-11-23 21:46:36)


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