В воскресенье 24.09.06 вы можете увидеть Раду в передаче "Duminica in Familie" на канале Antena 1 в 16:00 по местному времени
Передача с Раду 24.09.06
Сообщений 1 страница 19 из 19
Поделиться22006-09-20 15:51:28
Gliss спасибо за новость!!!!
Поделиться32006-09-20 17:31:42
i chto tam budet?
Поделиться42006-09-20 18:37:27
а есть on-line вещание этой передачи в сети???
Поделиться52006-09-21 00:11:54
на сайте Antena1 есть LIVE
начало программы в 15-30 по рум. времени!!!
Поделиться62006-09-21 00:26:37
а никто это случайно не запишет?
Поделиться72006-09-21 18:19:38
Если кто-нибудь запишет видео, выложите его на форуме, пожалуйста! Наверняка не только у меня, но и у некоторых тоже нет возможности посмотреть онлайн вещание. Заранее спасибо.
Поделиться82006-09-21 22:13:54
Если кто-нибудь запишет видео, выложите его на форуме, пожалуйста! Наверняка не только у меня, но и у некоторых тоже нет возможности посмотреть онлайн вещание. Заранее спасибо.
Если кто-нибудь запишет, выложите пожалуйста!Я не могу смотреть онлайн тоже.
Поделиться92006-09-23 20:44:50
LIVE на сайте канала очень по-странному сделан, но вот прямая ссылка на передачу:
Попробуйте запустить непосредственно в нужное время (15:30 по Бухаресту, т. е. 16:30 по Москве). В принципе есть программы, которые записывают потоковое видео.
Поделиться102006-09-23 21:48:17
спасибо!!!!! надеюсь кто нить запишет, я навен не смогу по времени да и проги нет
Поделиться112006-09-23 21:45:07
и у меня проги нет,да и дома в это время скорей всего не будет....дела,пойми,дела...дела (с)Звери
Поделиться122006-09-23 21:51:33
ой, как жалко.. меня завтра днем не будет надеюсь кто-нить запишет..
Поделиться132006-09-24 01:40:17
вопрос даже не в том, кто будет дома, а в том, у кого собственно проигрывается Live - лично у меня один раз из 100 попыток dknow:
Поделиться142006-09-24 13:47:36
Я думаю дело просто в том, что пока просто-напросто нечего проигрывать - передача-то ещё не началась.
Вот, кстати, прямая ссылка, чтобы скармливать плеерам и программам:
Отредактировано Gliss (2006-09-25 18:57:19)
Поделиться152006-09-24 18:05:40
кто нибууууууууудь переведите вопросы которые задавали Раду
и в чем прикол с этим шариком?
PS умоляяяяяяяю видео, хочу скриншот Раду в капюшоне :wub:
PPS а танцоров теперь четверо?
Отредактировано Kalinka (2006-09-24 19:36:14)
Поделиться162006-09-24 20:57:47
уф, повезло, что сейчас включили именно эту часть архива на сервере - посмотрела, прикольно
Поделиться172006-09-25 11:07:27
http://d.turboupload.com/de/1016461/0iniew3c75.html TNX INDIGO
вот перевод передачи на инглиш by Indigo, завтра может переведу на русский
well first she talks about o-zone again as always, and that they were known in so many countries in france israel germany etc
and that they split up and radu now has taken his own way (like the others)
So now he has his own solo career and he began again from almost the beginning of on, but he goes on and will be stronger then ever. After that she begans about that he was named picasso, cause that was his nickname. And he said yes i'm picasso.
And then its about the style of his music, if he has taken the same style and radu is telling that he has a lot of kind of
songs but he didn't take the style of o-zone *only his voice is the same of course*
Then its about the fans, that he has still a lot of fans from o-zone, so she is asking if they aren't a bit shared now
(the fans of o-zone) so radu says that some went of course to one and some to the other (he just wanted to say that when she asked it)
He has 4 fanclubs one in usa germany russia and poland, he is also very glad that he has also already new fans (they aren't all
from o-zone) and that he had already a concert and that was very nice, and he will have more concerts
After that she is explaining that he will have to answer some questions later, (with the baloons) and she is making him a
bit afraid cause the public will choose which baloon will be picked out to break above his head (yellow green or red)
And there can be oil confetti water rise etc in it.
Then she is telling a bit about the glory days of o-zone etc
Than its about moldova cause its a show with moldovian people this time. Amy is telling that she is half moldovan and
have from mali, after that she is telling the names of them and she needed to say something in moldovian
(they like her accent cause she is half moldovan, they did that also in another show a time)
well then is coming the song doi straini he also told that he wrote the text and music himself
Well he needs to sit on the chair under the baloons to answer the questions only with yes or no and as honest as possible
The questions are :
Is it true that:
you didn't celebrate your birthday ever with the members of o-zone?.....yes
that you worked as a dj in your parents disco? ........yes
your first kiss with ana, you didn't want that her boyfriend figured that out then, cause you were afraid to be beaten up by her boyfriend from that time? ....no
that your babygirl was "made" at a party in public in italy? .... no, at a party but not public
in a period of o-zone the fans didn't know that you were married was that a bit to be fiction for the fans?....a bit yes
that you copied the style of o-zone in your solo career?........no
is it true that you don't earn 25.000 euro anymore for a concert?.....yes
do you regret that you were forced to begin a solo career?...no, not at all
that you would wish that Dan Balan would be under these baloons now ? maybe (laughing) ...no!
well the public is voting and the most voted red, so the red one will be broken
do you know what it is? you need to put it in "mamaliga"
do you know to make "mamaliga"? yes. Well then he is going to tell how to make it
You need water and cook it then you put this in it. He needs to take the flour of corn and is saying that
you put it in it and you take a thing of wood to mix it,
and you keep on doing that (the presentatrice is saying that you call that thing of wood a spoon)
well your mamaliga won't be that good cause he forgot something
and then you put salt! Ahhh salt, but i have the flour of corn..
and she is wishing him a lot of succes in his career
Отредактировано Kalinka (2006-09-27 01:40:17)
Поделиться182006-09-29 22:15:15
Radu in ,,Duminica in familie'' part.1
Radu in ,,Duminica in familie'' part.2
Поделиться192006-09-30 00:52:12
нафиг вам ютюб, я ж на турбу ссылку дала